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Loving Strangers
What if everyone in the world felt just as strongly about reaching out to others with the sole purpose of showing them Christ-like love without a personal agenda?
Praying for Protection
I know that there are places where it is very dangerous to speak about Jesus, but there are forces at work who want to stop missionaries no matter where they are.
The Missing Piece
Sometimes it’s so easy to forget those verses I memorized so long ago in Sunday School; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Dealing from a Distance
The thing that was different about moving to Hungary, was that if something happened, I couldn’t just be there.
A Change of Heart
God took my heart of fear and changed it again. My heart broke for the teenagers that I work with.
An Opportunity to Go
I had felt for a while that I wanted to serve God's church outside Europe. I wanted to serve God and see his good work in a different culture.
Not What I Planned
What do you do when God changes your direction? What should you do when you are putting all your efforts into something, and then the Lord tells you to stop?
A Valley of Dry Bones
For much of my life, I lacked a passion to see people believe in Christ. I believed in him, sure, but I did not think too much about those who did not. The more I seek the Lord, though, the heavier the lives of others weigh on my heart.
A Princess, Some Petroleum, and a Peugeot, Part 2
In 2009, a local Methodist pastor named Laci, from Zsolnok Hungary, decided he would like to try and find a vacation home for his family to get away from the city.
A Princess, Some Petroleum, and a Peugeot, Part 1
What does a small Hungarian border town, an oil boom, and an old Peugeot 106 have in common?