Praying for Protection

On Friday, March 29th, I was hit by a car. I was waiting at a crosswalk near the ministry center when a car ran a red light and crossed the flow of traffic. The car was clipped in the back, which forced him to drive onto the sidewalk where I was standing. The man driving slammed on his brakes, but he was going too fast. I heard a horn of warning, put my hand up, and jumped back. As the car made contact with my outstretched hand, it stopped completely. My brain was racing as several Hungarian women rushed over to see if I was ok, and I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I tried to communicate that I was uninjured, but I don’t know what language I was speaking—if it was English or Hungarian. The other drivers involved in the crash were fine, and no one else was hit.

Though frightening, I can see God at work through this whole incident. First, I left my headphones at home. Normally, I listen to music as I travel in the city, but because I wasn’t that day, I was able to hear the horn. Secondly, if the car hadn’t been hit in the back, then someone would have been run over in the middle of the crosswalk. And thirdly, it was a miracle that the car stopped at all. It was moving too fast, but the Lord protected me.

This ordeal has made me think a lot about the Psalms. David proclaims in Psalm 31:1-5, “In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.”God is a strong fortress. He protects us from the traps (or cars) that are sent to stop us from doing His work. He is a rock, a refuge that protects us. He listens to our cries for help. Praise the Lord.

I have also been prompted to pray more for my protection and the protection of other missionaries. I know that there are places where it is very dangerous to speak about Jesus, but there are forces at work who want to stop missionaries no matter where they are. Join with me and pray for those around the world who are preaching the Gospel. Pray that the Lord would continue to guard and lead them through the traps and difficulties that may be in their paths. And join with them as they celebrate how the Lord protects them every day.


Just Jump


The Missing Piece