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Meet the new EME Regional Directors
Big changes are ahead as we welcome new leadership to our region! Billy and Dawn Ray are stepping into the role of Regional Directors, bringing with them decades of experience and a deep passion for missions.
College Connections
Read our conversation with Aaron and Shannon DePue, Field Leaders in Hungary, about their new college connections: “The students leave Hungary with a better understanding of cross-cultural missions and how people work and live outside of their home culture. It allows them to see the world and God’s people from a different perspective.”
Building a Framework for Discipleship
Colleen Weaver shares more about the new OMS Global discipleship initiative. “We desire to strengthen and support the work of disciple-making across OMS. We are continually learning, growing, and seeking to provide practical ways for missionaries to deepen their faith and ministry impact.”
A Conversation with Cori
I’m excited to see how design can be used to enhance ministry visions…there are so many incredible people within OMS who have amazing visions God has given them. I’m eager to help make those more impactful—which is what design is all about.
Settling Into Spain - An Interview with Trevor Johnson
“A big reward for me has been the many opportunities to get out of my comfort zone, whether that's going to a new church or talking to a stranger. I really do love people, and I feel that the Lord has been working every day to bring people across my path.”
Delight In Waiting
If anything, this past year has taught me how bad I am at waiting on the Lord. Lament has given me a language to express my frustrations while waiting and turning back to the Lord to give Him praise and glory.
Letenye Part Three: Our Stained-Glass Window
In the stained-glass window at the church in Szentmargitfalva there is a constant remembrance of death and life – one most gloriously shown in Jesus’ own death and resurrection.
Letenye Part Two: Witnessing Together
In each person I see a specific gift and a specific calling. It’s been a really beautiful picture of how Christ needs every personality in his kingdom.
Love Hurts
The truth I have learned is that love, while monumental, is the very fuel for someone who loves Jesus. To love Jesus is to love people.
Pruning Season
The vision of Peña de Horeb is not only to provide campers with an exciting and spiritually transformative experience but to “be a place of refuge…a place of worship…and [ultimately] to start a church.
5 Lessons from My Mission Trip
God is on a mission, completing his plan day after day, moment by moment, and not one detail has been left out. And just like he invited me, he's inviting you to be a part of it.
Where Our Hope Is Found
If you were to hear Colleen’s story, you would be deeply encouraged, perhaps even challenged, as you are reminded of how the Lord uses our lows to increase our nearness to Himself.