welcome to
You Want me to do What?
There was no way I was going to rely on others (or God) for my complete well-being.
Missions and Calling
I think we often cheapen the true biblical meaning of calling and end up confusing ourselves.
Fellowship & Community
As a missionary “fellowship” and “community” are lifeboats, gulps of fresh water, of life-or-death importance.
Missionary Pedestals
The thing is, I didn’t pull this perception of “missionaries as Super-Christians” out of thin air. It’s baked into western evangelical Christianity. We worship our pastors and our missionaries and forget that we are all called to exactly the same thing.
Ukraine Series: Our Volunteers
We made the decision to spread the word, asking for volunteers to come and drive food over the border. The way that people responded to this call and how quickly has truly been a godsend.
Not Afraid of Death
We don’t have to live in such a way that death is always looming at our doors. If we die, we die knowing that death too is under Christ’s domain.
Hungary: Round Two
Marriage is not and was not the solution to all of my problems, but marriage seems to have acted as a tangible signal that I’m moving into a new stage of life.
Reflections on Sabbath: Part 1
One of the purposes of Sabbath is so that we can draw near to God and learn to rest in Him.
Just Be One
Luckily for all of us, unreached people are everywhere. For most people, you wouldn’t even have to leave your hometown.
True Convictions Require Action
What do you believe? What are the unwavering, life-guiding beliefs that drive you, and do your actions confirm those in your life?
Leaning on Promises
My family will continue to live and learn, but most importantly, we are leaning on God for what we need.
What’s Your Why?
While I was preparing to leave for Hungary this spring, one of the most frequent questions I received from friends and family was, “Why? Why Hungary, or missions, or an unpaid internship?”