Living in the In-Between

Throughout our lives, there will be many transitions. From the transitions I’ve faced, I have found that some of them will feel like the blink of an eye, while others will feel like they will never end.

There are moments when I feel excited about the new adventure...The next moment, I am hit with a wave of sadness.

I started the process of becoming a missionary with OMS in the spring of 2022. After two years, I have made it to the point after raising my support and before making it to the field. For the past few weeks, I have been living in a transition phase that I have been referring to as the “in-between.” I am not really raising support anymore (is anyone ever truly done with this part, though?), and I am not yet on the field. I am in the in-between.

As I process this transitional period, the question I have been asked by those around me, and myself, is, “How are you feeling?” And while, at times, that can be the easiest question to answer, there are also times when no words can express the whirlwind of emotions I feel within the matter of a day. I have finally reached the point where moving across the world feels real. This is actually happening. For a long time, it felt like just an idea or something a long way down the road. Now it is right in front of me, and at times that feels like a lot to process.

It seems that in the course of a day, I can go through every emotion under the sun. There are moments when I feel excited about the new adventure. This is what I have been working towards for two years. The next moment, I am hit with a wave of sadness about leaving the community I have built over the past seven years. Then, I might find anxious feelings creeping up about the unknown of living in a completely different country. Still, at the same time, gratitude overwhelms me as I am reminded of all the ways God has provided for me in the past. That doesn’t change because I am moving. God will be with me as I find my way in a new country. And I cannot wait to see all that He has planned for me and the team in Hungary over the next two years.


Letenye Part One: God’s Idea


Why me?