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Home Is Where My God Is
As a missionary returning, I feel my heart pulled in different directions. How can it be that I am both happy and sad to be home in Pennsylvania?
Hungary: Round Two
Marriage is not and was not the solution to all of my problems, but marriage seems to have acted as a tangible signal that I’m moving into a new stage of life.
Step Back a Minute
God does amazing things, but sometimes it is hard to see what they are, especially in the moment.
Reflections on Sabbath: Part 1
One of the purposes of Sabbath is so that we can draw near to God and learn to rest in Him.
Avoiding Loneliness
I began to realize how much I was focusing on what was lost, rather than the relationships and people that were in front of me all along.
Nothing Is Wasted
I’ve often looked back at my life and experiences and clearly seen how things that didn’t make the remotest of sense at the time ended up being a building block for the future.
Just Be One
Luckily for all of us, unreached people are everywhere. For most people, you wouldn’t even have to leave your hometown.
True Convictions Require Action
What do you believe? What are the unwavering, life-guiding beliefs that drive you, and do your actions confirm those in your life?
Practicing Hospitality
Hospitality is something that I am still learning even though I was raised in a home that was always open.
Leaning on Promises
My family will continue to live and learn, but most importantly, we are leaning on God for what we need.
The Question of Calling
All of us have a calling to ministry. It is a matter of understanding what it is and then being obedient to it.